why working in fast food is good

It’s Quick. 9. Like the person in my example, people live busy lives. A customer will spend a good half an hour of your shift yelling at you for something you either had nothing to do with - in my case it was the making of the food because I never made the food, something that isn't even wrong - or telling me the price for their food is incorrect when it really isn't (and I would know because I work there), or for something so insignificant, like the fact that the last time they visited the fast food … 9. This is a valuable skill that will serve him well as … Many recipes can be made in just 30 minutes. Working in a restaurant is one of the best first jobs you can have, whether you are up front, hiding in the back cooking or cleaning dishes. Fast food is usually rather cheap. We do have health fast food places. You feel too greasy to even be a person. Yes and no. Watch Mike Rowe on Dirtiest Jobs those jobs almost all suck and usually pay really crap money. There are lots of worse jobs. I grew up... A positive aspect of fast-food chains compared to some other more formal eateries is the availability of nutritional information. Fast food is popular because the food is inexpensive, convenient, and tastes good. When you're working as a fast food manager, you'll be working with customers on a regular basis. Why Everyone Should Work in Food Service at Least Once. There is no feeling like leaving an eight-hour shift in a hot kitchen filled with fryers. To a degree. Many people have a tendency to overreact and dramatize the bad moments of fast food, but I would say overall, fast food is a much wors... Quotes tagged as "fast-food" Showing 1-30 of 31. He'll learn to schedule study breaks, homework time and extracurricular activities around his work hours. Fast food is feeling the pinch acutely, especially as one important source of workers has dried up. Yes. But it beats not working at all. And since there's so much turnover, you can move up into management pretty quickly. The average worker that l... I answered this question already and a moderator must have scrubbed it. Companies can afford it. Photo by Paula Vermeulen on Unsplash Others may require a lot of chopping, but little cooking time. Look no further than the fast-food industry. Fast food is a food type where service speed is considered the utmost priority as it is created as a profitable strategy for obliging the huge population of busy customers such as travelers, office workers, etc. 2. When customers get mad that they can't do a military discount on top of another promotion. You no one is working up a hard sweat. The honest truth: What is it like working in a fast food restaurant? At the risk of sounding like my mom for a minute, I personally found that working in food service builds character. “Fast food is driving the bulk of the job growth at the low end -- the job gains there are absolutely phenomenal,” Michael Evangelist, a policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project, an advocacy group, told The New York Times in April. Why working fast food and retail was good for me. This one’s obvious. With a median wage of $8.85, a fast food cook in a family of three lives in poverty even if she never takes a day off. Have you ever spilled 50 pounds of oil on a floor and then had to clean it? Fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served quickly. Working in a fast food restaurant is excellent work experience. On a daily basis, you're dealing with customers, working face-to-face, being part of a team and having responsibility in a kitchen. Knowing the nutrition of the foods you're about to order can … The reason McDonald's opens each morning is for the customers. Addiction. The recipes are not difficult, can be prepared quickly, and give results you will love. Well, one feeling does compare. 1. Fortunately, that’s the beauty of... 2. If everyone shows up and you have a full crew, then it is not bad. You can work your part of the assembly line and everything flows smoothly. The j... Some need more cooking time, but the preparation is quick. You may get new ideas to cook at home. Why Teens Should Never Work In Fast Food Restaurants Published on December 16, 2014 December 16, 2014 • 31 Likes • 28 Comments Huge variety of different fast foods. It is harder than it looks. The Advantages of Fast Food. 7 Painful Facts That Show How Hard It Is To Work In Fast Food. In 2000, about 45 percent of those between 16 and 19 had a job — today it’s 30 percent . Don't look down on me because of it. If you ever get home from work and your dog won't stop licking yo… Helpful if you don’t have a kitchen. Though you don’t need a college degree to work in fast food, that doesn’t mean the employees are lesser people. On a daily basis, you're... You Might Get Sick Of The Food. While some of them may not be that strong, others like serotonin and MSG (mono sodium glutamate) cause the pleasure cells of our brains to react and every time we eat any fast food item, it makes us more addictive to it. It's Great Work Experience. It’s Fast. Yes, anyone should be able to do the work, but most people do not, and working with customers can be one of the most rewarding and challenging parts of a work day. It can if you let it, and it can suck especially if things are out of your control. However, Doug Buttercup below summed everything up quite nicely... Conditions are similar in other fields. If not, note that the food and beverage industry has many paths and profiles to offer that enable those considering a career in F&B to live out their creativity in what can be a rewarding, diverse and exciting field. Children's Meals. Fast food often seems like a quick solution for families with small children and working parents, but trying to instill healthy eating habits in young lives can be a challenge at fast food chains. The good news is that healthier, kid-friendly alternatives are becoming more available. Let’s start with the good stuff. Many people have a busy lifestyle and time constraints. Here are all the reasons people love fast food. Some fast food places will have 1-4 people working each area and dividing the work up between them. Food most often tastes the same. Choosing a healthy fast food meal that includes no fried foods, fruits, and vegetables can help you to gain what you need to finish your day without snacking on high-sugar or high-fat foods to satisfy your cravings in the future. One of the first reasons that fast food is no good for your digestion is related to the fact that (in general) fast food doesn’t contain fibre, which is quite important for digestive health. No Jared, Working at a fast food place can and most likely will be, one of the better jobs these days which offer a whole lot of opportunities to a... If you don't have much experience working in fast food, this is a good … Fast food employees are often looked down on in this society—"that job is so easy, anyone can do it." Respect it. To make the best of working in a fast food restaurant, use your job as an opportunity to build customer service and stress-management skills. Not my fault you volunteered to buy food for your whole office... 8. 7. It also gives you tremendous empathy for those who prepare your food and serve it to you, day in and day out. 1: The Customers There’s the complainers, the impatient ones and the ones that are just way too happy. It's typically posted on menu boards as well as available on in-store flyers. When you get sent on break 2 hours into your 8-hour shift. Funny thing is, I am already hoping my children find work in the food service industry, or at least some type of service industry down the line. Working in a fast food restaurant helps your teen learn to manage his time so that he fulfills each of his obligations. Some people chafe at the idea of "unskilled" fast-food workers meriting a wage more suited to a "high-skilled" job. Not only does this ignore the fact that this work requires skills — from managing inventory to training and supervising other employees — it also disregards the day-to-day challenges workers navigate on the job. It's a stepping stone for me. When a customer orders food for 15 people and then complains that it's expensive. One of my former high school classmates is concerned. A primary reason fast food’s so popular is that it’s so convenient. Fast-food workers are mostly teenagers working for pocket money. Like all jobs, fast food takes training, hard work, and dedication. who could not manage time for visiting proper places for their meal, especially during working days. 3 Reasons why fast food is bad for you. Eating too much fast food is considered to be a leading cause of obesity, hypertension, and heart disease. Fast food restaurants are popular because they serve tasty convenient foods for a reasonable price. Many people visit these restaurants frequently to eat their main meals. Fast food is nothing but a concoction of harmful and health-damaging chemicals which can easily be understood if you were to think for a moment how any restaurant could offer a double cheeseburger for only $1. I'm making money, at least I have a job and no, it's not that easy. How to Get Out of Working Fast Food Forever. Making it in this highly competitive, fast-paced industry requires grit, determination and hard work. Soon, tears of joy were streaming down my face. But I’ll answer again since the other answers are weak. Early in 2015, as I drove to the first day of my new job, I found myself getting off the highway an exit early so that I could drive through the neighborhood I grew up in. Often you can sit between customers, once you have all the regular chores done, like mop the floor, stock up on supplies. 3. Tolerance & patience: Food is such a personal thing. 7. Short lunch breaks, or getting the kids fed quickly and off to a baseball game, make these foods appealing. On top of this, most fast food places are 24 … Fast food has become a way of life, with chain restaurants stationed at practically every street corner. Working with food everyday sounds like heaven but in reality, it's not. Good for your travels. The book is about fast food in the best sense & real food that takes little time to prepare. Eating junk food is quite popular in many regions. Children's Meals. Fast food often seems like a quick solution for families with small children and working parents, but trying to instill healthy eating habits in young lives can be a challenge at fast food chains. The good news is that healthier, kid-friendly alternatives are becoming more available. If you have to interact with rude customers, … Are you asking because you are looking at applying to work at one? If so, I’d say you need to change your attitude going into it. There are jobs in... NO……………………..What has happened to this new generation that feels so entitled to everything………….. If you are lucky enough to find an employer to hire... “We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.”. Really? Your interviewer may want to know what other experience you have working in customer service. Most fast-food places are open on holidays ... A drive-through customer coming inside is never a good sign. Dave Rowland / Stringer / … All you have to do is order your food – and it’s done almost instantly. You Don’t Feel Like Cooking. The work is easy. Not everybody is suited to work in fast food, just as some people were not meant to be plumbers, or carpenters. All jobs have their good and bad po... You tend to get free food. Yes, I work at a fast food restaurant. Customers will stretch your comfort zone which can be tough (but ultimately make you into a better communicator). Working as a server (for example) teaches you to interface with all kinds of people who have all kinds of reactions to food, and teaches tolerance and patience. Stable quality. There, I said it. Most of the fast foods are processed and as a result, contain chemicals that reach our brain cells and affect them. Working in a fast food restaurant is excellent work experience. It tastes so good, it’s easy to access, and it’s often cheaper than healthier food.Even when we know that fast food … It's very fast paced, you're literally timed, it took me months and months to get good at it and you're on your feet constantly for 8 hours. Employees can work their way up and eventually even own a franchise. 10 Reasons Why People Choose To Eat Fast Food 1. It can come from many places: sit-down restaurants, counter service, take-out, drive-thru, and delivery. Working at a fast food restaurant can be a great experience. They're typically highly structured, so you'll learn about systems, consistency, and e... An hour in the shower didn’t even make me feel clean. The findings came from a survey produced for the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health and … Dave Farquhar Careers June 2, 2010 January 18, 2018 christmas, college education, compaq, IBM, IEEE, journalism, Missouri, Packard Bell, university of missouri. 3 Reasons why fast food is bad for you. Eating too much fast food is considered to be a leading cause of obesity, hypertension, and heart disease. Fast food restaurants are popular because they serve tasty convenient foods for a reasonable price. Many people visit these restaurants frequently to eat their main meals. The second problem is though fast food is very hard to digest for the stomach due to its high fat and carb content. Eating fast food items helps you to manage a schedule more effectively. That’s why we put together a list of the 9 things that define working in fast food. I’m guilty of it; all of us have been at some point; there are days where you just don’t... 3. You have to wash your uniform with dawn if you ever want to get that grease smell out. Raising wages in the fast food industry could improve living standards for millions of hard working people. Fast food was indeed an adolescent gig in the 1950s... 2. First-line supervisors of food prep and serving workers earn a median annual income of just over $29,000 a year. Why is fast food bad for you? I still have 6 hours left!!! They are called grocery stores. Managers have instructed burn victims to treat their wounds with condiments. And fast food jobs are a large reason why, outpacing the country's overall job growth. It’s surprising how many people think that just because they’re in a fast food restaurant they can be rude to you. Helpful for stressful days. Other places may have only one person working an entire area, such as only one person working the entire drive-through, one person working the grill (which includes making the sandwiches), and one person working the front register. The benefits of fast food are largely related to its convenience. Five huge myths about working in fast-food 1. Do a good job and you ... at about this point that I started to realize that this was not considered a normal progression rate among the career fast-food people there.

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