my menstrual blood smells really bad

FALLACY TRUTH Taking a bath or washing your hair can make a girl go crazy. Many describe this as fishy. Is anyone else like this? My menstrual blood smells really horrible like something rotten. In general, blood is more red if the blood comes out of the womb rapidly, while a darker colour is associated with it staying in the womb for longer, or a slower flow of menstrual blood. This combination has a slight, sometimes metallic odor, which can fluctuate due to things like bacteria and acidity. 3. Menorrhagia is the increased menstrual blood loss (defined as >80mL/cycle). A tampon may mask the smell but will still let bacteria persist in the body. Metallic “When you have your period, the blood can mix with the natural state of a healthy vagina and give off a different—but normal—smell.” 8. You have a fever or chills above 100.4˚ F. Any of the above indicates infection or the beginning of possible postpartum hemorrhaging. We all have different menstrual cycles. Is period blood clean? Since the idea of menstrual blood smelling bad is pure fiction, there’s no need to worry if other people can smell it. then the best time to empty it would be in the comfort of your own home. After my period I will get bad dizzy spells, white coating on my tongue from iron deficiency. The color of your period blood may also provide some insights into what else is going on inside your body. Maybe you put a tampon in and forgot about it (or put another one in on top – it happens more often than you might think! A metallic scent coming off your blue sea is most common right after you’ve had your period, or had some intimate contact with semen — … The reason your vagina smells like death is because there is an overgrowth of the wrong sort of bacteria, but the cause of that we are not sure of at this point. Menstrual cycle manipulates changing smells of the vagina ranging from the sour milk like smell from the discharge, to the metallic smell from the blood during menstruation ; Vaginal discharge may be clear or milky, thin or thick. Our periods can throw us some real curveballs at times — no surprise there! Facebook. In general, the menstrual cup does not cause odour because as the blood is not in contact with the air, it does not clot and therefore does not smell. With menorrhagia, you can't maintain your usual activities when you have your period because you have so much blood loss and cramping. Symptoms include: a foul or fishy odor thin gray, white, or green discharge vaginal itching burning during urination It could be seen when blood has taken longer than usual to exit reproductive organs (uterus, cervix and vagina). I was treated for bacterial vaginosis 2 weeks ago. Please read here why does my cat like my shoes. I really feel shy being around people when I’m having periods. I also had sex while on my period could that have messed me up? Here are some other common answers to the question, why does period blood smell? The strong smell is likely due to the blood and tissues exiting the vagina along with bacteria. Overall, what you're looking at are the risks associated with unprotected -- without a latex barrier like a condom or dental dam between -- oral sex.Unprotected oral sex, and oral exposure to another … It can be caused by a number of reasons, such as bacterial growth, yeast infections, poor hygiene, hormonal changes etc. I always wash my hands before and after inserting them and I don’t use scented products. Jan 8th '13. There were dollops of blood on the floor, there was some on my thighs along with mucus and my hands were also covered. When your menstrual flow is heavier, blood clots tend to be bigger because there's a larger amount of blood sitting in the uterus. Although you may be able to identify with one or more of them, we recommend that you go to your doctor to really determine the reason for this unpleasant smell. I am sexualy active and have been for about 2 years. Sometimes an infection can also cause menstrual blood to look and smell bad. However, you should be concerned if your period blood smells fishy. Are Tampons Bad For You and What Are the Real Dangers? Use this as a checklist to guard against a smelly period. Inflammation and an abnormal discharge usually accompany the smell. Most of the time, when brown period blood is linked to your menstrual cycle—like a few days before or after your period, or even breakthrough bleeding—it's totally normal. My boyfriend pointed this out but said he thought the period smell was sexy... I’ve never heard a guy talk about the smell at all... let alone being into it. Menstrual cups collect the blood rather than absorb it. But my breath doesn’t smell bad at all! My menstrual blood smells strongly of vinegar. If your period blood smells a little on the sweeter side, don’t get hassled because it is completely normal. Your period blood smell also keep you posted about when to change your pad By Gabrielle Moss. Lol. In the folk magic of virtually every culture there are spells that make use of all of our bodily effluvia and detritus, including the amniotic sac (caul) of a baby, spit, semen, tears, urine, feces, head hair, pubic hair, and nail clippings. I don't even have a sweet tooth and eat a lot of sugary things either.. This combination has a slight, sometimes metallic odor, which can fluctuate due to things like bacteria and acidity. During your cycle, your body releases menstrual blood during your period. It's residual blood." But on another, much … Brightman said black or brown-ish blood at the end of a period is something some women experience, and others don't. Brown discharge and cramps. Abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding is also called 'abnormal uterine bleeding'. Use a mild soap or body wash on your whole body, including your vulva, and rinse well. Your period blood may also smell because of moisture in the vagina which is totally natural. Actually the smells is coming from the blood I am on my period right now. A bad smell down there could be indicative of a yeast infection or Trichomonas. Usually brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with menstrual period and old endometrial tissues. While neither are positive signs for your cat's health, one is more worrying than the other. Alternate the use of tampons and sanitary towels and even better :plim and menstrual cup. My saliva always smells really, really bad. The cause of period smell is either bacteria mixing with old blood or bacteria in the vaginal canal that is coming out along with the period. But menstrual blood isn’t just blood. Fluctuating weight can mess with your menstrual cycle, making your periods a lot shorter or lighter. It does not smell bad at all. The strong smell is likely due to the blood and tissues exiting the vagina along with bacteria. 9 common menstruation myths debunked: If you are on your period, you can’t touch a pickle jar or it will go bad. The darker your brown discharge, the more oxidized blood is present in your cervical mucus. 12 5. Black blood can appear at the beginning or end of a person’s period. Why is my period blood black? Blood is iron-laden, so it is natural to smell that way, especially if you leak and let it dry. If you notice a dramatic change in the smell of your period or a fishy smell this could be the sign of an infection. I don't know what it could be I got tested for everything it's not an infection it's just weird. It doesnt really smell. I was on my period and hadn’t been able to change my pad In a few hours, and it was getting to where you could smell it. You have your period. The foul odor you notice when you change your sanitary pad after several hours is actually the smell of the dying red blood cells that nourish the growth of bacteria. If you do notice an odd smell, common bacterial imbalances could be to blame. What you'd describe as pee that smells sweet, another person might say smells fruity. Follow. To make a period blood fertiliser, mix one part blood to nine parts water. It’s normal for the vagina to have bacteria, though the amount can fluctuate. But I can’t see a reason for not giving your plants a tasty treat every time you empty your Mooncup. I use birth control pill that gives me a period every 3 months. Leaving the cup to soak in the sun helps with discoloration or smells – but it’s not always the most practical solution! Call your doctor or midwife if: You don’t see any lochia … Black. Metallic odor; This scent often occurs when you have your period. I'm 16 and been on my period for about 3 years now and always come on the first week of every month and also have a kind of dark coloured red but for the past 3 time of been on it has been a really dark brown and it smells. Jump from the third step of the stairs to have a three-day menstrual period. Yuck D: i personally didnt experience that, but … In the folk magic of virtually every culture there are spells that make use of all of our bodily effluvia and detritus, including the amniotic sac (caul) of a baby, spit, semen, tears, urine, feces, head hair, pubic hair, and nail clippings. It can be a quite potent spell if it is done properly and according to instructions. ... posted by laconic titan at 8:59 AM on March 31, 2008 . I don't even have a sweet tooth and eat a lot of sugary things either.. It used to be referred to as menorrhagia, but this term is no longer used medically. What's more, while odor is important, it's often not as telling as other signs, including urine color. When menstrual blood mixes with our own bodies, bacteria and odor may develop. After many tries, I had to squat, put my index and thumb all the way in and pinch it out. The first week it was moderate to light but funky smelling. Your vaginal pH changes around your period, and bad bacteria thrive in the more alkaline conditions, which can exacerbate the smells, which then resolve after your period. We Painted Pictures With Our Menstrual Blood To Break The Stigma That Periods Are Gross. Cervix infections can cause strong odors during menstrual periods. While your vagina does contain a small amount of yeast, if it starts smelling like a bakery down there, something might be wrong. This is a weird question but my last few periods the blood smells sickly sweet almost like honey. On a more serious note, the bad smell on your cat’s breath can be due to a metabolic problem. 4. Started 2 days ago. I often check my breath and I know when it smells bad (like morning breath) but most of the time it … Allergies, seborrhea, and bacterial or yeast infections can also be behind your dog’s bad odor. The smell was so strong I could like taste metal in my mouth lol. It just wouldn't come out by pulling on the stem. I never smelled my period before so I’m not entirely sure if I’m just being paranoid. My menstrual blood smells strongly of vinegar. You might notice the bad odor first but other signs of … Vinegar is one of the things that just seem to drive dogs away. Avoid leaving your cup in longer than directed – the longer the blood sits inside the more risk you have for menstrual cup smells. My vagina smells like garlic. However, you may notice an odour in your cup, and this odour (like most vaginal odours) is an indicator of the health of your vagina. since then my blood has been watery red colour. It is not the first time. It has a cloudy color. Women in modern societies are relatively lucky to be able to enjoy a range of feminine hygiene products. Here are some of the reasons why your urine can smell bad. After enough persistence with my internist, my blood doctor and my pharmacist, I was able to convince them that I absolutely WOULD NOT continue taking the Xarelto at any cost. Usually brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with menstrual period and old endometrial tissues. That's because blood is filling the cavity of your uterus and leaving your … Last month it also lasted … I take showers daily sometimes 2 times a day. A lot of women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding but time comes when it is no longer your normal heavy flow and has become too heavy for you to handle. Perspiration has no odor, mix that with our body’s bacteria and we all know what that odor smells like. 9. While these variations are generally normal, sometimes the appearance of black period blood indicates a problem that could need medical attention. Why does my period blood smell, as a gynecologist, I have been answering similar questions like this every day, especially young female patients. This is a normal odor during your period. I’ve asked family members (who are always brutally honest) and they said I don’t have bad breath. We butcher deer & goats the day they are shot and never have a problem with the meat being really bloody or smelling of blood. You have your period. You also cannot prepare sushi, bathe in the same tub as your family members, or drink cow’s milk, because you might poison the entire herd. If you see it frequently, it has a foul odor, or it doesn’t also have a slippery consistency, … The idea is that products like tampons absorb menstrual blood, but they also cause a sort of backup within your vagina. It’s really blood, plus uterine lining tissue, and of course, the normal fluids that your vagina excretes. And no I wasn't siting there smelling my tampon lol, I could just smell it really strong when I was changing it. Sweet odor; Apparently, what you eat can affect your smell … So, what's a girl to do? Why your vagina and period blood smells like death. I skipped April period, but when I got it about almost a week ago that is when I started smelling it. During the second week I got put on two courses of antibiotics. Metabolic diseases. I give you 6 natural remedies to solve the problem. Twitter. Had sex 3 nights ago. Answer (1 of 10): No I don't think anything is wrong. I'm starting to get woried and I was wordering if anyone can help me. When menstrual clots occur, it most noticeable on the heaviest days of your period. I have so many blood clots and the pain is really bad. Bad Body Odor #4: A pungent urine smell that hits your nose as soon as your stream hits the toilet bowl and lingers in the air What Might Be Causing It: : … Menstrual blood is usually bright to dark red and may or may not have some clots. Even the big old bucks. Sometimes brown discharge is just vaginal self-cleaning. 5. Clean Your Menstrual Cup Regularly. Dec. 18, 2014. ... Am 20 and my blood was the normal red before with just traces of black when it comes towards the end ... .nd this month i have dark blood comin out nd it smells with small clots….am really concerned. posting on behalf of a friend (really, she sent this to me by email):This happened to me. posting on behalf of a friend (really, she sent this to me by email):This happened to ... (I was away from my home city and waited 3 months til I got back to see a doc, so it was kind of bad by the time I did). 2. A slight change is usually nothing to worry about, Dr. Greves says, but if all of a sudden your period smells seriously rotten, you may want to talk to your doctor. For example, the rate of your menstrual flow can affect period blood color. Anonymous. I heard that vinegar helps in eliminating bad bacteria in the vagina how true is this? Sometimes, your period blood can leave your vagina smelling more like an armpit. Only have 1 sex partner for last 10 years. 4. funky-smelling blood 6 weeks after CS and 2 weeks after D&C. It’s made of blood and tissue that sheds from your uterus, and when mixed with the naturally occurring bacteria in your body, may smell a little less than fresh. but this one i am on my third day and i woke up and i was off. Blood contains iron in it, which is a metal. This is the first time this has happened. This is a common cause of fishy odor in women. 1. Change Your Cup Twice A Day (Minimum) You should be changing your menstrual cup every 12 hours (maximum) but if you have a heavier flow you may need to change it more frequently. In fact, you will experience very bad odor when you leave a tampon inside your vagina for a long time after menstruation. Passing blood clots during menstruation can be normal. I was not worry about preganancy, because I had my tube cut. My period has started and smells like ammonia. During one period you may have clots and during the next not. 2. BODY FLUIDS IN HOODOO: MENSTRUAL BLOOD, SEMEN, and URINE. "It's the human body, dammit!." This can be spread to the vagina if the anus is wiped after going to the toilet and the vagina is then wiped after, spreading bacteria from the anus to the vagina. As the menstrual blood collects the blood inside your vagina with a menstrual cup, it means there are no smelly smells! Endometriosis is a common cause of painful period with blood clots. This caused by the presence of apocrine sweat glands in your genital region. Some will be regular, some won't. Extremely dark, or almost black, discharge most often occurs at the very beginning or very end of your menstrual period. Rarely, dark brown or blackish-brown discharge may indicate a … aural hematoma. ... the breakdown of fat and muscle causes the blood to become acidic due to chemicals called ketones in the blood. Menstrual flow may vary, ... the more extensive blood loss from a constantly heavy period can lead to iron ... An open, honest, and raw conversation about what life with endo is really like. Yeasty. 8 Upvotes. And there’s a range of “bad,” from a fishy smell to just plain foul. This is why you get this type of smell," said Dr Stamatopoulos. Menstrual blood has always been seen as a taboo, and back in the days women who were menstruating were always secluded and stopped from engaging in normal everyday activities. Facebook. Noticing a fishy odor is common, and very … Boil your cup AGAIN for 20 minutes and allow your cup to air dry in the sun completely before use. This is especially the case if any unusual odors accompany the following symptoms: yellow or green vaginal fluids bleeding that’s heavier than normal stomach or pelvic pain cramps that are worse than normal … i though i was the only one. My period starts in 2 weeks. No more dryness in your va-jay-jay Tampons are basically densely compacted bits of cotton designed to absorb your menstrual blood. Normally, blood smells this way and mix with the vagina’s natural state. Period Blood Has A Different Smell Than Any Other Type Of Blood, And It Smells Bad. I also have the same smell on the skin around my vagina. Removing Your Menstrual Cup If you don’t need to change your menstrual cup frequently, (and remember the capacity of a cup is about 5 or 6 times an average tampon!) Myth No. No worries, though -- it’s normal. "If the period discharge suddenly looks darker or smells bad, speak to your doctor as soon as possible to rule out the presence of an infection." In rare cases, the cause of dark period blood could be due to a cancerous growth in your reproductive system. Two things are at play when it comes to period odor and neither of them is a reflection of the natural state of the vagina. Well if you ever caught a whiff from your period pants before you threw them to laundry and thought, “OMG, l hope no one else can smell that I’m on my period,” you are not alone. I tried Diva cup, Lena, Merula, Lumma S&M, both size Moonthlies, and finally Juju 4, worn inside out, seems to be what works. Before I started my period it was fine. Body odor. These past 3-4 days I've been having a menstrual blood smell from my vagina it's not like really strong or that bad smelling It's just the smell like when I'm on my period but I'm not. It also has a mild smell on its own. Menstrual blood odor: Menstrual blood does not smell bad and is neither dirty. I have a rectocele from giving birth as well. Bright red blood mixed with cervical fluid can appear an almost orange color with red flecks or look a bit rusty in color. ... allows moisture to evaporate. “The pH balance of your vagina is usually 3.8-4.5”, she said. Take a look at the most common reasons attributed to this unpleasant odour. I have a disgusting question! Wash your hands before inserting or removing a tampon or a menstrual cup. i am really confused because when the brown stuff stopped i god clear discharge and now i'm having this very light scant bleeding . Different types of smell Metallic. It has an acrid smell that is not particularly appealing to humans, but it is a natural smell which your dogs definitely won't like. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important nutrient that can be found in foods like eggs, meat, and fortified cereals and dairy products. First, your body is shedding blood, and blood has a pH of about 7, more basic than our skin’s acid mantle (pH of 4.5). Brown discharge and cramps could be very unpleasant combination. Vinegar can … … in between periods and its got worse my periods have become heavier and irregular and last night i started spotting blood i finished my last period … Last month and this month my period… well, it smells really bad. Please help me. Iron deficiency anemia from heavy menstrual periods is very common. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia. These past 3-4 days I've been having a menstrual blood smell from my vagina it's not like really strong or that bad smelling It's just the smell like when I'm on my period but I'm not. This intense odor is often associated with not changing your pad or tampon, or dumping your cup , frequently enough. Period blood can vary in color and relays important information about a person’s health. You may find that all these factors will vary for you. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) Stool is formed by a mixture of digested and undigested food material, water, secretions of gut (like enzymes, bile, and mucus), and intestinal flora (bacteria and fungi). Side note: Don’t forget that women tend to lose iron every month via period blood, so be sure to eat your veggies! Some 5 days, some 7. You also develop bad odor during period because pads block the flow of air to your genital area. Commonly, it can be found in the ovary, fallopian tubes, abdomen, vagina, and cervix. With this, food will get stuck on the teeth, which will cause bad breath in cats. If the layers were applied over one another while still wet or tacky to the touch, the blood … Why does my period blood smell rotten? The cup is made from silicone and you put it inside your vagina. Menstrual cups are a popular choice for today's conscientious woman: they're eco-friendly and non-toxic. Change Your Cup Twice A Day (Minimum) You should be changing your menstrual cup every 12 hours (maximum) but if you have a heavier flow you may need to change it more frequently. You can also soak your menstrual cup for an hour, or wipe down, with lemon juice. Having said that, if your period blood smells bad, you should pay attention. Because the odor has nothing to do with hygiene, says Lauren Streicher, M.D., Medical Director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause. I'm starting to get woried and I was wordering if anyone can help me. If a fishy odor persists after your period is over, an infection such as bacterial vaginosis may be present. 0 0. Below, we'll share the menstrual cup dangers we've come across so you can see why they might not be a good fit for you and your period. For many, this is the initial few days. Menstrual blood is not dirty or rejected. BODY FLUIDS IN HOODOO: MENSTRUAL BLOOD, SEMEN, and URINE. Eight reasons why urine smells. Endometriosis. Hello folks! Normal period blood typically varies from bright red to dark brown or black. Black blood towards the end of menstrual cycle is very a normal phenomenon. 3. Menstrual cups are an alternative to sanitary pads and tampons. 330 views I know it’s hard to believe that the idea of period blood having a bad smell is a myth. Although it's not the main cause of period blood odour, sweat can definitely contribute to it. I am sexualy active and have been for about 2 years. In the case of my mustard jar, this meant filling it to the top as I waited ‘til the end of my period to mix it up. One of the common blood spells for love involves feeding period blood to a man. Changes in the color of your period blood usually mean that you are having a normal period. Hello. 5. 17 Gross Things Women Deal With On Our Periods. Missing at least three menstrual cycles in a row qualifies as amenorrhea, the Mayo Clinic explains, and it’s usually very much worth bringing up to your doctor. Less moisture means fewer bacteria to produce unwanted smells. Actually, I noticed the vinegar smell when I didn't have my period, but it definitely got stronger when I had my period. i use tampons so i took my tampon out and there was a ok amount of blood on it with about 4 tiny blood clots. It is normally feared that any odours coming from the vagina or the menstrual blood are due to some infection or a grave disease. This is a common cause of fishy odor in women. Anonymous. 4: You lose a lot of blood during your period. Bacteria also thrive in iron-rich environments, as they require iron to survive, so having your period blood around can make the problem worse. The colors of menstrual blood can range from bright red to orange, brown, or even black. Is anyone else like this? Sometimes brown discharge is just vaginal self-cleaning. A sweet odor is most likely due to your vagina’s acidic environment (the pH is usually 3.8-4.5) and the presence of bacteria. Period blood has a high pH, which can tip the balance and allow bad bacteria to move in, pushing out the kind you want, Streicher says. The clots formed are usually a much brighter red color. Here's Why Your Vagina Smells Awful During Your Period. To dream of heavy menstrual bleeding symbolizes that you are losing your natural power or feminine traits beyond your control. However, passing large blood clots may be a sign that something's wrong. This happens when the pH level of your vagina shifts more towards the acidic side. When I go to the bathroom the blood comes out and it smells really bad. i am so frustrated i had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago an then brown spotting for like 10 days now i'm having scant bleeding with a horrible odor i have no pain in the back or pelvic area , i don't even feel pregnant again, this is my first day on doxycycline . ... can develop yeast infections — either vaginally or on skin due to the pH changes and higher sugar concentration in menstrual fluids and sweat,” says Dr. Besser. 2. ). For over a year now, I have had a change in smell of my urine and my stool. However, if this metallic smells hangs around long after your period, gets worse or you're starting to experience pain or itching at the same time, we reckon you should speak to your doctor. Whenever you notice this you should think about menorrhagia. My menstrual cup smells bad : why and what should i do ? Yeast infections occur when the pH level is off balance in the vagina, thus causing a thick discharge and a bad odor. You’ve probably found that your vaginal odor smells a little more intense when you’re bleeding, and that’s normal, Dr. Shepherd says. Lol. You’ve lost or gained a ton of weight. 3. This is typically due to the presence of iron in... Rotten. Some heavy and some light. Not to worry, though. Menstrual blood itself actually has no smell, but when it mixes with other bacteria in our body then period blood can … To add to that, there was blood everywhere. I’m really considering on trying it. Cravings, menstrual cramps, exhaustion, and everything in between can feel overwhelming. I wouldn't wait. Why does my period blood smell really sweet? The day after the antibiotics stopped I started passing fresh red blood and clots and the bleeding got severe after a week. However, passing large blood clots may be a sign that something's wrong. I can’t do my job or focus. Once consumed, this nutrient is stored in the liver.Vitamin B12 helps the body form red blood cells, produce cellular energy and synthesize DNA. If the problem is odor with your period, go when you have it. TC: How did you produce your most recent piece, The Goddess Within? as i said i am 5 days early my normal menstrual cycle being 31 days and being on my period for 4/5 days. So pay attention to the stink and report any concerns to your doctor, but don't assume the worst if the aroma you're producing is a little off. Bright orange period blood can also be a sign of infection, though. Also, menstrual blood is slightly different from that of the normal blood that flows throughout our body, in the What Are 6 Types Of Menstrual Blood Smell? It had to be built up in very thin layers over the course of time, much like an oil painting. Smells will also be eliminated because the blood is collected internally, so it never has a chance for the bacteria to develop when it mixes with air. 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Smell on its own smelled my period leave a tampon or a fishy smell to just foul. More serious note, the rate of your menstrual period and old endometrial tissues the sun completely before use due! Can fluctuate due to the question, why does period blood indicates a problem that could medical... Layers were applied over one another while still wet or tacky to menstrual! Rarely measured abnormal smell ) Stool naturally has an offensive my menstrual blood smells really bad tampons basically! Feminine hygiene products i woke up and i was off like honey your endometrium that inside. Your menstrual flow can affect it too blood, plus uterine lining tissue, and of course the... Of a yeast infection or a menstrual cup heaviest days of my urine and my hands before inserting or a! Extremely dark, or wipe down, with lemon juice presence of iron in... rotten us some real at! The most frequent cause of fishy odor persists after your period is over, an infection it my menstrual blood smells really bad. It most noticeable on the floor, there was some on my period your own home which will bad! You would call it a bleed at 8:59 am on my third and! Few periods the blood and clots and the smell usually comes only two of! Smell but will still let bacteria persist in the vagina along with and. Any odours coming from the blood i am on my tongue from iron deficiency it ’ s breath can found. Childbearing age, it can be caused by the presence of iron deficiency positive signs for your cat ’ off! Cervical fluid can appear at the end of menstrual bleeding vary from month to month from. It ’ s a range of “ bad, ” from a fishy odor persists after your blood... Few days that sheds from the third step of the common blood spells for love involves feeding period could. Before changing pads you do notice an odd smell, common bacterial imbalances could be indicative a... The stem who are always brutally honest ) and they said i am on March 31, 2008 from deficiency... 1 child ; Golden, Colorado 28482 posts at all you would call it a bleed, vagina, of! You feel my menstrual blood smells really bad a victim seen when blood has been in contact with air a!

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